Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Nobody’s perfect!

I just had to share with everyone my favorite physical feature about my dog...
Yes, that is his bum. To be more specific, I'm talking about his tail. If you look closely it's goes off to the right and I absolutely love it because he is so stinkin' cute...but not quite perfect, but that makes him perfect for me and Daniel! It was hilarious when he first started to wag his tail, because it was just a short stumpy thing that isn't centered and it barely moved! (Yes, I realize I need to get a life and not focus so much on my dog...I just can't help it!) Not to mention that my dog is going through an "awkward" phase...kinda like a teenager..........

You see his ears? One has started to stand up on it's own, the other? Who knows what it is going to do???!?

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