Thursday, August 14, 2008

Getting closer

WOW! I can't believe how fast time flies! It seems like just yesterday Daniel and I were just "talking" about getting married, and now it's here! Everyone keeps asking me (and Daniel) if we're nervous...I don't think it's nerves...I think we are both just really anxious to get married. I can't wait to be his wife! And he is just as excited. He keeps sending me cute texts about becoming the "future Mrs. Spillman" and today he said to me over the phone, "lets get married this Saturday!" I know that we are both soooo happy, this couldn't happen at a better time!

He had his bachelor party on Wednesday...they all (Daniel and all his friends) went to Wendover, NV. I don't know any details about what he did while he was there...all I do know is how sleepy he is today!!!

Just to let you all know how dedicated he is...he played in an indoor soccer game tonight. He wasn't about to let his team down! So I went to his game and with about 10 minutes left, his team calls a time-out and I see the goalie and Daniel switching places and all I could think was "OH The ball is gonna come flying at his face and he's gonna miss it and get a black eye for our wedding!" Luckily that didn't happen!

Well tomorrow I'm going to start packing for our honeymoon...we're going to Florida for a few days so Daniel can meet the rest of my family (Hi Mimi!) then we are off to Puerto Rico! I'm going to be gone for a little over a week so I'm not going to do any posts for a while and we'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow night (there's a good chance that I won't be able to sleep from all the excitement) maybe you'll hear from me then??!!?