Thursday, November 18, 2010

Life as I know it

Has changed dramatically. I have made some major changes in the last year that I never imagined myself doing. The biggest change of all is becoming a mother. I still wonder if this is real, it's hard to believe sometimes. As some of you know I have gone back to work part time. My first day back was on Nov. last day will be on Nov. 24. That's right, I'm quiting. It's hard to accept that I'm giving up all that I have known and built my life around but I have more important things to attend to now. Besides, how can I leave this face everyday?

I can't wait for all of the adventures awaiting us! I must say that I am one lucky girl! I love my family so so much and I'm so thankful everyday for them!


Stephanie said...

Im so happy u get 2 stay home with him, they r so worth it!

SSG and Me said...

I hope your last day at work was all you wanted it to be! And I hope that your continued "work" of being a mother is more a play time than a "work" time!

Congrats and good luck with everything! Happy Thanksgiving and I wish you the best of luck in all that you wish/want/hope for!

Oscar is a gorgeous baby boy! You are an amazing woman and I can only imagine all of the wonderful stories Oscar will tell his friends of how fabulous his Mom is!!!

Brock&Chan said...

I am so happy that you get to stay home! What an awesome opportunity! I wouldn't want to leave that little man either!