Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Week 14

Well, I actually hit week 14 on March 4.  (Here's to posting late!!) The reason this post is late is because I wanted to wait so I could update you all on my 2nd doctors appt. as well.  Nothing too exciting, we got to hear the heartbeat again...which will amaze me every time.  Doctor said our little nugget has a strong healthy heartbeat.  So baby and mama are doing AWESOME! 

Your Baby: Week 14

Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth. (thebump.com)
So far the sickness is gone and I absolutely love the second trimester.  I have so much more energy! I started working out again.  I've been doing a toning routine, swimming, walking and pregnancy yoga.  I love the yoga, it really helps with stretching out my growing belly and (this may sound dumb) to connect with my baby still in the womb. 
I decided to do bi-weekly pictures of my belly...so here is me at week 14.

Oh, an after thought...I was reading a paper the doctor gave me about what to expect in the second tri.  There was one part that said "most women start showing at 20 weeks"  Well how about 12 weeks?..that's when I started to show.  I feel like I hit that 3 months and I just exploded!  I guess that's what you get for being short, I have no where to go but OUT!!!


Stephanie said...

You look so cute! Cant wait to find out what you are having!

The Nate and Sara Project said...

I;m so happy you are able to exercise again! Keep it up!!! It makes the biggest difference. I loved pregnant yoga. (I now do postnatal yoga, cause I missed pregnant yoga!). I even did yoga the morning Evan was born. The weight will literally melt off, and it will help your energy levels for the third tri. So very happy for you!