Thursday, March 18, 2010

16 weeks

I can't believe how fast time is flying by. It seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant. That's a story I will never ever forget (but just in case, I think I better write it down somewhere!) so I'll share with you all.
We found out I was pregnant on Christmas Eve. It was the best Christmas present EVER! I cried the happiest tears I have ever cried in my life.


For about 2 weeks before I found out I had been feeling awful. I thought that I was just getting a cold or something. I had headaches, my nose was constantly clogged and I kept getting these really strange dizzy spells and every time I would get a dizzy spell my cheeks would start to tingle. Then the weekend before Christmas Daniel agreed to go shopping with me (which was a miracle in itself) to finish up our Christmas shopping. We went to the mall and decided to head over to Cal Ranch, then after that we were going to pick something up for lunch, by the time we got to Cal Ranch we were starving! While inside I got really, really REALLY sick. You know, it was that feeling you get before you throw up. I got sweaty and felt so freakin hot. I told Daniel "We have to get out of here NOW" (which is not like me...when I get the chance to shop, and Daniel is with me, I take full advantage!) We got out to the car and I told him that I didn't even think I could stop anywhere for lunch, "JUST GET ME HOME!" By the time we got home, I thought I was going to die. I ran to the bathroom and lost it. After that I was feeling a little better and after I ate I felt fine. (Still had a small headache and stuffy nose and still getting the dizzy spells)
I went to work the next day and threw up there first thing, so I decided to take the rest of the day off. I went home and slept and slept. On the next day, which was a Tuesday, I decide to take a pregnancy came back negative. So after that I just knew I was sick and maybe coming down with the flu or something. For the next week or so I continued to throw up and feel sick and extremely tired and getting my dizzy spells. The spells scared me because they would just happen, it didn't matter what I was doing they just started out of the blue. Then add my tingling cheeks with the spells and that made it even scarier. I was just about to make a doctors appt. to find out what was wrong with me, I wasn't pregnant so something was terribly wrong.
Then came Christmas break. We went over to the in-laws for Christmas Eve dinner like we do every year. Normally I just love Jane's home cooking. But for that night nothing sounded, looked or smelled good at all. I had to force myself to eat just a tiny bit of everything. And that's when I knew I was pregnant. I just didn't want to admit it to myself yet, because I didn't want to get my hopes up just to be let down again. I pulled Daniel aside and told him I was not feeling well at all and that we need to leave early so we could stop at Wal-Mart and get a test. And just like that, we were outta there! I went home, took the test and sure enough it was POSITIVE! I yelled for Daniel to come in and showed him and we just hugged and cried together for what seemed like forever.
I decided I HAD to tell our parents. And the next day was Christmas. So I got some small boxes and taped a note to the bottom inside of them that said "we are having a baby" and wrapped them up. I was so excided that night I could not sleep, I think I got about 3 hours total. I don't remember being that excited for Christmas sence I was a little girl. Of course our parents were delighted!
And that's how it happened!

Here is an update to how the baby is developing at 16 weeks (again courtesy of
Your Baby: Week 16

Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.

And here is my bi-weekly picture of my baby bump!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Week 14

Well, I actually hit week 14 on March 4.  (Here's to posting late!!) The reason this post is late is because I wanted to wait so I could update you all on my 2nd doctors appt. as well.  Nothing too exciting, we got to hear the heartbeat again...which will amaze me every time.  Doctor said our little nugget has a strong healthy heartbeat.  So baby and mama are doing AWESOME! 

Your Baby: Week 14

Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth. (
So far the sickness is gone and I absolutely love the second trimester.  I have so much more energy! I started working out again.  I've been doing a toning routine, swimming, walking and pregnancy yoga.  I love the yoga, it really helps with stretching out my growing belly and (this may sound dumb) to connect with my baby still in the womb. 
I decided to do bi-weekly pictures of my here is me at week 14.

Oh, an after thought...I was reading a paper the doctor gave me about what to expect in the second tri.  There was one part that said "most women start showing at 20 weeks"  Well how about 12 weeks?..that's when I started to show.  I feel like I hit that 3 months and I just exploded!  I guess that's what you get for being short, I have no where to go but OUT!!!