Friday, July 17, 2009

I love long weekends!

Oh, we had such a blast over the 4th of July weekend. July 3rd we went hiking all day. We went up to the old Steam Mill and Steam Mill Lake. What a beautiful hike. I can't believe the different scenery on this one hike, you go through meadows and forest then a come to a lake. (It's a good thing it was so beautiful because it was a very strenuous hike.) Of course we took Monty with us and he loved it, as always!
Here is the old Steam Mill
Steam Mill LakeI went boot skiing for the first time. I figured that it's something I've never tried so why not? Here is why...(BTW, I can't believe I'm posting this 'cause it's a little embarrassing! Oh, and be sure to listen closely to the commentary!)

Monty always manages to get dirty...I guess that just means he's having fun!More glorious viewsI think this is how we all felt after that hike! Pooped!!!And of course I have more wildflower pictures to share with everyone. Enjoy!

Wow, that was a ton of pics...sorry to bore you all, I seem to have some sort of fascination with wildflowers! BTW on Aug. 04 I'm scheduled to have my surgery for my gum graft. Not looking forward to it however, I think I will have plenty of time to sit around and identify the flowers in my pics. (I know, I know, I'm kind of a nerd!!!)

On July 4, it was Daniel's day to decide everything we did. So we went to the Hyrum parade with Ryan and Stacy and James. It was my first time to the parade but I loved the atmosphere and all the kids running around laughing and chasing candy. Then it was off to the Hyrum square for lunch. After that we went out to my in-laws and swam for the rest of the day. I think it was one of the best days ever!!

The next day was baby Anders baby blessing and the little guy looked just adorable in his baby tux! I can't believe how big he is getting...I'm sure his mama feels the same! Everything at the lunch after the blessing was so tastey and it turned out to be a truly special day!

Most of all I just enjoyed the long weekend with my husband and being able to sleep in every morning. We both had a lot of fun being with family and friends and each other.

Independence Day

Yes, this is a bit late but I just had to share...This is what I saw driving through my neighborhood.
I have to say that seeing this overwhelmed me with pride. I couldn't be more proud to be here. And I just want to express how thankful I am to all those fighting for my freedom.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Awesome new background!

If you notice my blog background has now changed! The pictures are ones that I took. The best part is if you hit the refresh button a new pic will load and every time you log on to read my blog, a new pic will load then too. How cool is that??!?
Now I know you are all thinking "that is way too high tech for Sarah to figure out" and you are absolutely right! I have a friend from work that put this together for me. And in the future he may be making it available to others. I will keep you updated!