We started our amazing journey together on Aug. 16, 2008.
This is the cake I made for Bobby's Birthday!
Here are some "Blood Worms" we made
They are actually made from jello...boy were they a hit!!
Even Monty dressed up, although he looks more like a sad clown.
Me and Daniel
Ryan and Stacey
Clint and Staci
Joel as Megaman (don't worry, I had know idea who it was either!)
Trish and Jill
Jason, Chris and Krista
Julie and Dan
Cathy and Micah (Micah as the Wolfman won best costume)
Tana and Ryan
Brandy and Anders
Blayzen and Sheena
Me and Hailey
Levi (who won 2nd place)
We need to write a "letiditor" (I was trying to say 'letter to the editor')
I was reading the words "bad attitude" and it came out as "BADITUDE"
"That was in radio!" (Going for stereo -- me and Trish said something at the same time!)
I was talking to Daniel and tried to say maybe and probably and it came out "maybably"
"Oww, freezer burn!" I said this while drinking a smoothie at my mom's and I got brain freeze.
So I recently updated my status on Facebook, the day before we hiked the Wellsvilles. I put "I'm going to concur the Wellsvilles tomorrow!" -- the comments from my friends were hillarious!! At least I can laugh at myself...I left it as my status for awhile. After we finished the hike, I updated my status as to read "Well the Wellsvilles did not concur with me, but I did conquer them!!"