Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Memories by Sheena/ Doctors appt.

A couple of days before my appt. to find out the sex of our baby, Sheena came up for a photo shot with me. We did some pictures with a pink ribbon and some with a blue so I would have some of each...just in case! As you all know, it's a BOY which turned out perfect because the bow with the blue ribbon turned out perfect and the pink bow was not cooperating at all!
Lots of fun and I'm so glad we did this for our little one to look back to and see what his mom looked like when I was pregnant with him. Check out some of Sheena's work here.

The doctors appt. was incredible! It made everything seem so real. Now our little one has an identity and instead of calling him "it" we can start saying he, him and his. Best of all, we can start calling him by his rightful name, Oscar Daniel Spillman.
Everything looked perfect. Mom and baby are doing very well. He measured at 20 weeks, which is only 3 days later than I thought I was. So they kept my due date the same (Sept. 2) but if they were to change it, it would be Aug. 30th (Daniels birthday). Unfortunately we weren't able to see his little face. He had his hands in front of it the entire time. And no matter how much shaking of mom's belly to try to get him to move, he wouldn't. Stubborn little fella...that or he is just really camera shy! I can't help but think about how thankful I am that he was covering his face and not his wiener!


Anonymous said...

I luv you! I was so excited when you told me it was a boy! That was the perfect bow :). Thanks for letting me take part in this awesome journey. I can't wait til Oscar gets here! Did u see my recent post of 'sweet baby'? Oh they r just so cute n squishy :) Loves!

Stephanie said...

These are the cutest pictures I have ever seen. Love it!